for Halloween, I know. And its 0230. yawn.
(edited, edited. I think this is complete.)
Daikon: Pumpkin... thanks for being with me this Halloween...
Pumpkin: Dumbass, do you really think I wanna be stuck here with u?
hm hm, started your painting over a black base?
painting crit: think about where you want your light source to come from. from the pumpkin? after establishing your light source, start to think about how it affects the objects and surroundings. visualise the objects as cylinders/planes/cubes, anything to help you figure out which surface is gonna get the most light and thus be the brightest. it's easier to work in grey scale 1st so you dont have to bother about the colors at the same time, but instead focus on the values.
well all the above is presuming you're going for some sort of believable non abstract lighting...
ah... yes... forgetting all the basics. fiakz.
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